Monday, January 1, 2024


This is coolbert:

"mimicry: noun - an instance of mimicking, the action, practice, or art of mimicking"

As has done the Russian, so too now is doing the US Navy!

Yet once again an extract from the outstanding Internet website,Strategy Page and thanks to same.

"Artillery: Russian SAMs Adapted for Ground Attacks"

"The U.S. Navy has also modified its SM series of air defense missiles to hit surface, as in ships, targets. These missiles could also be used against ground targets not too far from the shoreline. The 1.3 ton SM-6 warhead weighs less than a hundred kg. That’s not a lot of explosives, but that warhead is accompanied by a large portion of the missile body which adds to the destructive effect. What makes that possible is that the missile hits the targets at speeds similar to rifle bullets. When using a high speed missile against a warship, the damage was extensive. The Navy verified this during a SINKEX, or sinking exercise where a retired warship is used as the target."

An ordinary US American Navy antiaircraft Standard Missile [SM] has been modified and tested to be used in the ballistic mode of operation for ground-attack or ship-attack. Both I might think.

See previous blog entries this very topic with many embedded additional links Russian use of a a surface to air antiaircraft missile in the ballistic mode:


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