Friday, December 29, 2023


This is coolbert:

Unlike anywhere else in the world! Especially within context of the Gaza War, even much more so now!

"The rush to preserve the sperm of slain soldiers exposes the deep militarism of Israeli society"

From |  the article by IZZEDDIN ARAJ |  DECEMBER 10, 2023.

"The militarization of Israeli society has taken on new dimensions with the harvesting of sperm from the bodies of deceased soldiers for 'posthumous reproduction.' In this way, soldiers become the colonial embodiment of Israeli national masculinity."

"On Saturday night, October 7, amid Israel’s preparations for its most violent forays into the Gaza Strip, a peculiar scene unfolded at an Israeli hospital. Families of three fallen soldiers arrived with an unusual request — to extract sperm from their deceased sons’ bodies. This procedure, known as sperm utilization, had quietly gained traction in Israel over the years. Scientific research suggests the possibility of sperm retrieval up to 72 hours after death, allowing what is medically referred to as Posthumous Assisted Reproduction (PAR). Within the Israeli context, unlike anywhere else, PAR has predominantly been associated with individuals affiliated with the military."

Dig this amazing stuff! Young Israeli women of child-bearing age even volunteering in a manner that indicates a preference to be artificially inseminated with the recovered sperm of a deceased Israeli soldier killed in battle.

"The first recorded case dates back to 2002, Keivan Cohen, an Israeli soldier killed in the Gaza Strip. Within just one hour of making an announcement, his family received 200 responses."

I may well understand that these young Israeli women are of the opinion they are going to bear the child of a man already possessing proven and proper physical, mental and personality characteristics. A genetic makeup of the proper type any sort of young women would seek in a mate.

See previous blog entry this very topic:


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