Friday, December 29, 2023


This is coolbert. 

“'Behold, I am bringing a nation against you from afar, O house of Israel,' declares the Lord.

“It is an enduring nation,

It is an ancient nation,

A nation whose language you do not know,

Nor can you understand what they say."

Jeremiah 5:15.

"Israel readies for war on 7 fronts as attacks recorded in neighboring countries"

From The Independent  | Tom Watling | 26 December 2023.

"Israel readies for war on 7 fronts as attacks recorded in neighboring countries"

"Israel has warned they are in a war on seven fronts as attacks recorded in a handful of neighboring countries in the last 48 hours spark fears of the conflict escalating to the wider region."

"In an address to the Israeli government on Tuesday, Yoav Gallant, the country’s defense minister and one of only three members of its war cabinet, said they were coming under attack from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, Iraq, Yemen and Iran."

At this time Iranian participation in the Gaza war consists of proxy units as far as I know, nothing more than that. Direct and overt Iranian participation in the war, of course, could be seen as a very serious expansion and enlargement of a local to a regional war and beyond that to further conflict with repercussions and ramifications of unforeseen consequences.


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