Saturday, December 9, 2023

Milestone II.

This is coolbert:


I blog therefore I am. Indeed it is so. See my previous blog entry from almost a full year now.


* Fortunately I am no longer dependent on dictation typing using my iPad for blog entries. The feeling in my right hand has totally been restored and the feeling in my left had has also returned except for a slightly numbed feeling under the nail of the ring finger. Personally I prefer the old-fashioned but what I am accustomed to keyboard.

* As with Ukraine in 2022 now the Gaza War is generating a lot of ideas and gist for blog entries. And again as in 2022 I am of two minds regarding this. Material for blog entries of an abundance. But also remember at all times hardly should one rejoice, people understanding as a result of the war suffering in the worst way possible.

* Devoted readers to the blog will notice a marked increase in the use of You Tube Shorts. Lots of good material for posts can be gotten from the Shorts. 

* Links germane to the Gaza War devoted readers to the blog might note have been edited. To be honest I am somewhat ashamed about the quality of some prior blog posts. Not up to the current standard I aspire to and at this exact moment find as good as can be.

Yet more continuing for a long time to come hopefully with blog entries of a free ranging nature sourcing eclectic.


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