Saturday, December 9, 2023


This is coolbert:

Damaged. Not salvageable. Beyond repair. Gone. 

Russian warship damaged the Ukraine Conflict. Not have even been commissioned or made a single operational patrol!

"Russia ‘unable to repair missile ship Askold’ after precision missile strike by Ukraine"

From Ukrainian © The New Voice.

"'There is nothing to repair there,' the Krymsky Veter (Crimean Wind) Telegram channel said in a report on Dec. 8, quoting one of its sources."

"The Askold was originally slated for commissioning into the Russian Black Sea Fleet in December 2023."

Askold damaged during an attack 4 November 2023. I do not remember this being reported. Askold a Karakurt-class corvette missile boat.

From the wiki entry the Askold:

"Ukrainian forces targeted the Zalyv shipyard with cruise missiles on 4 November 2023. Russian forces stated that a ship was hit. Subsequent imagery appeared to show Askold had been badly damaged.The brand new ship was probably hit by a SCALP-EG air-launched cruise missile launched from a Sukhoi Su-24 and may be damaged beyond repair."

Think too within the historical context the Swedish warship Vasa and the American submarine USS Guitarro. Naval vessels foundering and going to the bottom in a calamitous fashion, not even before completing a single operational mission.


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