Wednesday, August 16, 2023


 This is coolbert:

Shots fired but only into the air. OH, I am glad only into the air!

"Shooting between Kadyrovites and Dagestanis occurs in occupied territory of Ukraine"

From "Ukrainska Pravda" via | August 14, 2023.

"In the temporarily occupied village of Mykhailivka, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, a conflict between units of the Russian army has occurred."

Source: National Resistance Center of Ukraine.

Details: "Reportedly, on 12 August, the Russian propagandists arrived in the village of Mykhailivka . . . to shoot a news piece about the 'great contribution' of a top official from the Kadyrovites fighters to the reconstruction of Russia-occupied territories in Ukraine." [Kadyrovites are pro-Russian Chechen forces led by Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen leader – ed.]

"At about 20:00 on the same day, a verbal altercation occurred between Kadyrovites and Dagestanis from another unit of the Russian occupying forces near the Central Park of the village."

"During the argument, one of the occupiers opened fire into the air from an automatic small arm."


* Both ethnicities the Chechens and Dagestani Muslim.

* Propagandists as described more than likely agitprop personnel their methods not dissimilar to that used by the communists.

* Please recall a previous incident from the Ukraine Conflict, Chechen and Buryat units of the Russian army fighting it out over loot.

* Personally my impression of the Chechen is that they can't get along with anyone.


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