Wednesday, August 16, 2023


This is coolbert:

See all these very short but informative You Tube video, naval tactics. All entries via "Kings and Generals". 

Crossing the T.

Crossing the T. The counter.

Naval ram. Ram: "The weapon comprised an underwater prolongation of the bow of the ship to form an armored beak, usually between 2 and 4 meters (6–12 ft) in length. This would be driven into the hull of an enemy ship to puncture, sink or disable it." You go to the bottom Ben Hur style.

German WW2 submarine wolfpack.


* Read from previous blog entries here and here another way of countering Crossing the T. Innovative practiced technique of the German High Seas fleet twice used at Jutland.

* It is often suggested that the advanced German World War Two submarine Type XXI had a war-winning potential. Read this discussion from a previous blog entry within context of the Wolfpack tactic that says this is not so.


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