Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Trojan War?

This is coolbert:

See these You Tube video the epic and saga of the Trojan War. All very interesting. The question being - did it all really happen or at least a facsimile of?

Thanks in this particular case to "Kings and Generals".

"Kings and Generals' historical animated documentary series continues with a video on the Trojan War, as we talk about the historicity of the conflict between Trojans and the Greeks depicted in the immortal Iliad of Homer. We also cover the Mycenaean and Hittite civilizations. How did this story come to be? Is it just a myth or is there historical proof that it happened? What does archeology tell us about the conflict at the end of the Bronze age? Were Hector, Achilles, Helen and Paris even real?"

See additionally the Michael Wood six-part series a more in-depth discussion of "the historicity of the conflict".

1. "In search of the Trojan war - The Age of Heroes (1/6)"

See also what is referred to as the: "The Bronze Age Collapse (approximately 1200 B.C.E.)"

Somehow the COLLAPSE as deemed took place in close proximity to or at the same time as the Trojan War? The experts must decide this and not me. If they are able to.

Nonetheless, a very interesting topic that has endured now for at least three-thousand years since actual events as described by Homer.


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