Tuesday, June 20, 2023


This is coolbert:

From ILTV Israel News the tip from "Legal Insurrection".    

What has been thought to be impossible is now possible? 

Intercept the vaunted and much ballyhooed hypersonic missile.

"ballyhooed: ADJECTIVE - US - INFORMAL - 1. talked about or praised by many people in an excited way"

"Israel unveils its new advanced air defense system, the Skysonic, the first of its kind to respond to hypersonic or cruise missiles."

Eric R. | June 18, 2023 at 6:12 pm:

"A country of 10 million [Israel] continues to eat our lunch when it comes to military technology.

It’s amazing what you can do militarily when you focus on military things rather than on pronouns and systemic racism."

And Eric R. is correct 100 %. Israel does have impressive military technology. Able to take at one time a proven American combat warplane [F-4 Phantom] and make no less than five-hundred changes to the model as flown during that period of the Vietnam War. Enhanced combat capability even the USA had never thought of.


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