Monday, June 19, 2023


This is coolbert:

Soviet Cold War era armor T-54 tanks enters the battle, Ukraine Conflict!

"Russians send Soviet-era tanks packed with explosives into Ukraine"

From | June 19, 2023.

"Russian soldiers are packing defunct, Soviet-era tanks [T-54] with devastating explosives and rolling them directly into Ukrainian positions in the latest desperate attempt by the Kremlin to gain an advantage on the battlefield."

"In video footage posted online, a 70-year-old T-54 tank rigged with six tons of explosives could be seen guided by remote control as it rolls toward a Ukrainian trench."

Did not however reach target! VBIED detonated from an anti-tank land mine!

"The vehicle-borne improvised explosive device, however, is obliterated into a cloud of dust and smoke when it suddenly strikes a mine before being demolished by a Ukrainian anti-tank missile, according to Forbes."

See the wiki entry for the German Goliath of the Second World War. Remotely operated itty-bitty tracked vehicle mission of which was:

"intended to be used for multiple purposes, such as destroying tanks, disrupting dense infantry formations, and the demolition of buildings or bridges. Goliaths were single-use vehicles that were destroyed by the detonation of their warhead."

Amount of bang-stuff as carried by the T-54 about sixty times greater than the Goliath. 

The Russian inspired by the VBIED as was used by the Islamic State? Weapons of this sort while seeming to be awesome rather ineffective in most cases however?


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