Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Militia DPR.

This is coolbert:

Frightening and discouraging both.

"The Donetsk Separatist Army Went To War In Ukraine With 20,000 Men. Statistically, Almost Every Single One Was Killed Or Wounded."

From www.forebes.com the article by David Axe |  Forbes Staff Nov 18, 2022.

"In nine months of brutal fighting, the army of the pro-Russian Donetsk People’s Republic in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region has buried or sent to the hospital as many men as it had in its entire pre-war army."

"The separatist DPR began Russia’s wider war on Ukraine in February with around 20,000 men in six light infantry brigades. By November, the army had lost 3,746 killed in action and 15,794 wounded in action, according to the DPR’s ombudsman."

"That’s 19,540 KIAs or WIAs. While many of the wounded undoubtedly returned to front-line service, many didn’t. And yes, the DPR army has expanded over the course of the nine-month wider war through the forced mobilization of thousands of men [conscription] from the separatist state’s 2.3 million population."


* By rule-of-thumb very general calculations the Donetsk Republic given their population only able to support with manpower and material a force numbering about two conventional army divisions of 10,000 men each. That is maximum.

* For each man killed about four wounded. Militia DPR not at the breaking point as defined in a previous blog entry. Those announced casualties still rather large. DPR troops in nine months 100 % KIA or WIA of the initial fighting force. GRIM and DIRE.

HEY! No one ever said this was going to be easy! Did they?


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