Wednesday, November 23, 2022


This is coolbert: 

"Stealth aircraft, such as the F-22 Raptor or the F-35 Lightning II 5th generation jets are equipped with Luneburg (or Luneberg) lenses: radar reflectors used to make the LO (Low Observable) aircraft (consciously) visible to radars. These devices are installed on the aircraft on the ground are used whenever the aircraft don’t need to evade the radars: during ferry flights when the aircraft use also the transponder in a cooperative way with the ATC (Air Traffic Control) agencies; during training or operative missions that do not require stealthiness; or, more importantly, when the aircraft operate close to the enemy whose ground or flying radars, intelligence gathering sensors."

"Looked for cannot be seen. Listened for cannot be heard. Felt for cannot be touched" - Shaolin warrior/monk.

"U.S. And Dutch F-35s Have Flown Without Radar Reflectors During First Week Of ‘Falcon Strike 2022’"

From "The Aviationist" Internet web site the article by STEFANO D'URSO DAVID CENCIOTTI November 20, 2022.

"Some of 5th gen. aircraft have operated in 'full stealth mode' to train in the most realistic scenarios."

Full stealth as corner reflectors removed. Radar image far less than normal. Stealth as meaning not totally invisible. Just that stealth mode is MUCH LESS VISIBLE to sensors than normal.

"As we already reported, F-35s from Italy, United States and the Netherlands are training together at Amendola Air Base, in southern Italy, during the exercise 'Falcon Strike 2022', which runs from November 15 to 28, 2022. The exercise is focused on the integration between fifth and fourth-generation aircraft and between different F-35 operators."

"In our previous story, we mentioned that the F-35 is part of both the Blue Air and Red Air, in simulated scenarios that might see NATO involved in combat operations against adversaries flying other 5th generation aircraft. This possibility seems increasingly plausible as the world is in a new era of great-power competition where the main players (US, NATO, China and Russia) have 5th generation aircraft in service."

Stealth versus stealth. Peer versus peer. How your adversary will appear to you and how you will appear to the adversary! Good training.


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