Friday, November 11, 2022


This is coolbert:

A long way from Ukraine but close to NATO.

Ukrainian saboteurs once again active. Russian warplanes destroyed on the ground. 

"Ukraine destroys two Russian Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters at Pskov airfield in Russia"

From euroweeklynews the story by Matthew Roscoe • 31 October 2022 • 

"Two Russian Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters were destroyed at the airfield in Russia’s Pskov region, and two more were seriously damaged, according to reports on Monday, October 31."

"Ukrainian saboteurs did destroy two Ka-52 attack helicopters at an airbase in the Pskov region, some 500 miles [800 kilometers]  from the border of Ukraine, but within 15 miles [24 kilometers] of the border of Latvia (a NATO member). This is becoming common, with a daughter of a nationalist leader being assassinated in Moscow, two attacks on airbases in Crimea, a truck bomb blowing up the bridge to Crimea, and now this."

See previous blog entries incidents of suspected Ukrainian sabotage behind-the-lines missions:

The coat of arms Pskov the right hand of GOD reaching down to touch the leopard as protector of the city of Pskov. The Russian "holy mission" as incorporated into all symbolic emblems of Russian sovereignty.


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