Monday, June 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

The Russian invading brute Ukraine behaves as a barbarian? Burning of a church library Mariupol following an odious military tradition that goes back thousands of years.

Think historically the libraries Alexandria, Baghdad, Louvain. Illiterate barbarian brute in a deliberate and malicious manner destroys what he cannot understand? Now Mariupol.

"Mariupol: Occupiers [Russian] burn all books from the library of the Church of Petro Mohyla, including some unique ones"

From Ukrayinska Pravda the tip from June 25, 2022.

Source: Petro Andriushchenko, advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol

Quote: from Andriushchenko: "In the Church of Petro Mohyla, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, at the suggestion and with the assistance of Russian Orthodox Church priests in Mariupol, the entire extensive library, collected by volunteers and benefactors, was confiscated and burned in the Church courtyard."

Details: "It is reported that the library contained several unique copies of Ukrainian-language publications, which are now lost forever."


"According to Andriushchenko, the occupiers are now deciding whether to demolish the Petro Mohyla church or reformat it according to the canons of the Russian Orthodox Church."

The cleric Petro Hohyla a significant and very important figure with regard to Ukrainian culture. Promoted literacy in the Ukrainian language the Seventeenth Century. The attack on this church hardly routine or accidental. Done with deliberate intent. Russification of those areas of Ukraine now under control of the Russian military the goal!


1 comment:

  1. Great reporting. Horrible actions by Russians. You are really on top of things.
