Tuesday, June 28, 2022


This is coolbert:

"'We wanted to challenge the leadership of the Academy and the Defense Dept on their WOKE actions, CRT, Diversity training and the other discrepancies in the Academy,' . . . 'We found it pervasive at the Naval and Air Force Academies so we knew it was directed from the highest levels of our Military Leadership. We all want the Military to get back on track to training and leading our Armed Forces to secure America and it's Citizens,'" - Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely [ret.]

Day of the Generals? And other senior officers the USA military? Graduates the military academies USA expressing their concerns. The OPEN LETTER! UNPRECEDENTED?

"West Point graduates sign letter challenging leadership of military academy"

"The former military officers worry that their alma mater has embraced "woke" teachings that will undermine the mission of the institution."

From justthenews.com the article by Sophie Mann June 27, 2022.

"Several retired U.S. military officers signed a letter written by 'Concerned Graduates of West Point and The Long Gray Line,' which objects to mandatory vaccinations, CRT instruction, progressivism and other 'woke' sentiments in the military academy."

"The letter, titled, 'Declaration of Betrayal of West Point And the Long Gray Line,' requests from the academy information in a number of areas including a justification for the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of cadets and an explanation for reaching so-called 'Critical Race Theory' at West Point." 

"In addition to other information, the letter also demands to know why some civilian faculty members have been permitted to become involved with political activism, violating the 'long-standing policy of the Academy and Army Regulations.'"

My understanding is the retired general officer the U.S. Army are carried on the army rolls for their lifespan. Openly challenging authority for such senior officers can be a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice?


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