Monday, June 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

Kiev under bombardment from advanced version Russian air-launched long-range cruise missiles.

1. "The occupiers [Russians] fired at Kyiv from Tu-95 and Tu-160 planes from the Caspian Sea"

Source: | Kostiantyn Golubtsov 26 june 2022.

"During the morning shelling of Kyiv, the occupiers used Tu-95 and Tu-160 aircraft. They were raised in Astrakhan, and missiles were launched over the Caspian Sea."

Long-range air-launched cruise missiles AS-23A [NATO code name Kodiak] a volley fired at Kiev. Both Russian Tu-95 [Bear] and Tu-160 [Blackjack] type bomber warplanes participating. Range of the AS-23 about 5,500 km. [3,300 miles].

Mayor Klitschko at the scene Kiev of where a Kodiak cruise missile struck an apartment complex.

Attack against NO discernible military target? Regard rather a real-world test of an advanced but untried military system?

Further and perhaps rather ominous read further the Kodiak.

2. "Kh-101 missile test highlights Russian bomber firepower"

"A key armament for Russia’s air force continues to be long-range cruise missiles that are capable of striking targets in Europe."

Douglas Barrie |  Dated 8th February 2019 | Senior Fellow for Military Aerospace.


"In an unusual test at the end of 2018, a single Tu-160 Blackjack bomber was used to launch 12 Raduga Kh-101 long-range conventional cruise missiles. The conventionally armed Kh-101 and the Kh-102 nuclear variant are designated as the AS-23A and AS-23B Kodiak in the West." 

"The Blackjack carries the Kh-101 in two internal bays, each with a rotary launcher holding up to six of the eight-meter-long [twenty-four feet] missiles. Normal test launches and crew-familiarization firings would likely use one or two cruise missiles but not a full wartime load. Russian media also indicated that the release authorization was provided by President Vladimir Putin, which, if correct, suggests that a command-and-control element also featured in the test."

AS-23B able to carry a nuclear warhead! Prior test 2018 UNUSUAL and recognized so by foreign observers. Putin exercising the command & control link for the exercise, sending the "go code" as if if live atomic warheads in place!!


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