Monday, April 25, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Don't mess with Texas!"

Consider the never ending saga of submarines while docked and moored being damaged. More damage to submarines done while in port than while at sea!

Here with one more incident of bad. Thanks to "American Military News", the tip from Freeper.

"US Navy investigating vandalism of nuclear submarine". SSN-775.

 The story by Ryan Morgan ^ | 4/22/22 |.

"The U.S. Navy is investigating what they believe is an intentional act of vandalism that damaged equipment within the Virginian-class submarine USS Texas (SSN-775) in the last month. The suspected vandalism took place as the USS Texas has been undergoing maintenance at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine. Shipyard spokesperson Danna Eddy said in a statement reported by the Portsmouth Herald on Thursday that federal government equipment on the submarine was damaged on or around March 29 of this year." 

Like I said, these occurrences while not common are not so terribly rare either. Not only vandalism but damage of a nature that can be attributed to just plain slip-shod procedures and failure to adhere to safety protocols.

See previous incidents damage to submarines with docked and moored, not sailing:


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