Monday, April 11, 2022


This is coolbert:


From Newsweek the story by THOMAS KIKA ON 4/10/22.

"Putin's New Commander in Ukraine 'Executioner' of Civilians: Ex-General"

"In War There Is No Substitute for Victory": General Douglas MacArthur.


"Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly appointed General Aleksandr Dvornikov as the new commander for his invasion of Ukraine, with one former U.S. military official likening him to an 'executioner.'"

New commander I might assume for the believed-to-soon-occur Russian "big push" into that contested eastern part of the Ukraine adjacent to the break-away secessionist republics DPR and LPR. Final defeat and annihilation of the Ukrainian army.

"Speaking to CNN on Sunday, Mark Hertling, a retired U.S. Army general and former Commanding General of the U.S. Army in Europe, discussed Dvornikov's past in the Russian military and explained why he seems to fit Putin's desired strategy in Ukraine. Currently serving as the commander for Russia's southern military district, which includes regions like Chechnya and Crimea, Hertling explained that Dvornikov is well-versed in campaigns involving attacks on civilians and the sewing [sic] of chaos." [sowing, not sewing]

Dvornikov ["Bombardier"] by reputation a "can-do" and "go-to" man with experience from Syria.

"go-to: 1. informal : relied on and regularly turned to for expert knowledge, skill, or performance. 2. informal : regularly or repeatedly chosen or employed for reliably good results"

The destruction of the Syrian city of Hama, 2015 an indication of how General Dvornikov approaches warfare. WW2 style massed firepower used in a manner to obliterate your advesary from all existence. Atomize you if possible.

Further a comment from General [Ret.] Hertling:

"'This isn't like Stratego or a video game,' . . . 'Those forces [Russian] have been mauled and they're in very bad shape. You just can't regenerate and say we're gonna send them into battle once again. It's gonna take a long time, if they're ever able to get those forces combat operational again. So I think Ukraine has a very good shape.'" - - Gen [Ret.] Hertling.

But here comes Dvornikov! Beware!


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