Monday, April 11, 2022


This is coolbert:

The beat goes on. Chernoby Exclusion Zone [CEZ]. Radioactivity!

"Russian Troops Took Highly Radioactive 'Souvenirs' From Chernobyl: Ukraine"

From Newsweek the article BY NATALIE COLAROSSI ON 4/10/22.


"Russian soldiers allegedly stole highly radioactive items as 'souvenirs' from laboratories in Chernobyl, a Ukrainian agency said this weekend."

"The troops looted and destroyed two laboratories in the Chernobyl exclusion zone that are used to study radiation influence, substance characteristics, and other radioactive uses, according to a Facebook post by the State Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management."

Other radioactive uses to include the possible fabrication of an atomic munition?

"In an act of 'nuclear terrorism,' the troops allegedly entered a repository of ionizing radiation sources in one laboratory and 'stole and damaged 133 sources with a total activity of about seven million becquerels,' the agency said. That number is comparable to 1,534 pounds [about 700 kg.] of radioactive waste with the presence of beta and gamma radiation, it added."

Radioactive material as taken from the Chernobyl site more than likely done by special purpose teams their mission recovery of elements that could possibly be used in an atomic bomb. Reminiscent of Soviet "main search teams" scouring Berlin, 1945, for those scientists, their equipment and raw materials essential for nuclear weapons development.

Hardly the common soldier taking a trifle home to show to his mother or wife. I surely hope not.


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