Saturday, October 30, 2021


This is coolbert:

Consider this You Tube video to be 100 % apropos with regard to material as was the topic of a prior blog entry.

Steel this!! Old steel that is.

Grave robbery, Java Sea. War graves violated in a manner totally heedless for the remains of the dead.

Old steel as deemed the object of the salvage operation. And not a small scale or penny-ante process but done on an industrial scale. Old steel of course as described in the video of manufacture prior to 1945. No radioactive trace elements present in the metal. Phosphor bronze also highly prized. Propellers made of such material "corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, and excellent elasticity".

"penny-ante : SMALL-TIME, TWO-BIT"

Ships and human remains it seems totally obliterated. Remnants of the Battle of the Java Sea gone for eternity.


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