Friday, October 29, 2021


This is coolbert:


Courtesy the Hal Turner Internet web site and the article

Something very big going on? You can reasonably think so?

"Two U.S. 'SeaWolf' Fast-Attack Subs, show up in San Diego, receive top secret cargos and depart port without crew disembarking!"

Sea Wolf class nuclear submarines "Sea Wolf" and "Jimmy Carter"

"An astonishing thing took place recently involving two United States fast-attack submarines, and what happened is an ominous sign that REAL trouble in the Pacific is much closer than any of us have been told." 

"Once it was placed at dock by two tug boats, the crew DID NOT disembark.  Instead, the tarps were placed along the entire dock to prevent anyone seeing what was taking place, material-handling equipment like fork trucks, went out on the dock, then straight-job trucks with concealed cargo headed out also.  Whatever the trucks were carrying was apparently loaded into the submarine."

First Jimmy Carter surfaces and receives mysterious cargo. Then Sea Wolf later the same! Both vessels immediately sailing without allowing crew to disembark.

Note that San Diego NOT the home port for either boat!

This all has to do with the recent collision in the South China Sea of the USS Connecticut [Sea Wolf class submarine] with an underwater object of an undetermined nature? Connecticut now undergoing [?] repairs in Guam.

We have not heard the last of this? Submarine operations always conducted in great secrecy. Eighty year rule applies!

I would be derelict in not mentioning that Hal Turner is a known controlled asset of the American FBI. Hal fond of acting the role of the agent provocateur with alarmist "news flashes" often of an unfounded or exaggerated nature.

When Hal Turner speaks we must all pause? See these previous blog entries:


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