Friday, April 24, 2009


This is coolbert:

The latest and greatest! "Smallah be mo' bettah!!"

From the Chicago Tribune today:


Weapons experts work on smaller missile for drones

“CHINA LAKE, Calif. - - A 5-pound missile the size of a loaf of French bread is being quietly tested in the Mojave Desert north of Los Angeles as the military searches for more deadly and far more precise robotic weapons for modern warfare.

This is:

“a 2-foot-long Spike missile that is about a ‘quarter of the size of the next smallest on the planet,’”

“The new missiles being developed here are minuscule compared with the older, 100-pound Hellfire missiles in use today. A Predator, which can carry two or more Hellfires, would be able to hold as man as a dozen Spikes.”

And furthermore, this very positive feature of the Spike is that:

“The Spike is expected to cost about $5,000 apiece, compared with more than $100,000 for the current generation of guided missiles.” [that can be fired from a drone UAV.]

According to this Tribune article:

“Initially intended for use by ground troops against tanks”

Was designed originally to carry a HEAT warhead then? High-explosive-anti-tank? CAN ALSO INCORPORATE DIME TYPE WARHEADS!!??

And guidance is not mentioned! This Spike is so small it DOES resemble an amateur made rocket, almost a TOY. But carries quite a wallop!

This American Spike is NOT to be confused with an Israeli anti-tank missile of the same name.

"Note that this system has the same name, but is a different missile, than the Israeli anti-tank missile of the same name."

Get em’ Spike!!


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