Friday, April 24, 2009


This is kool'bert:

"No quarter"!!

On the subject of duelling:

"the formal duel circle remains popular with military officers . . . Two days preparation are traditionally allowed between the challenge and the duel itself . . . . duels always end in death. No quarter may be asked or given."

"Most Marines, even those of command rank, scorn such formalities [two day preparation] as effete . . . Marines, it is assumed, are always ready to fight . . . distinctions between a Marine duel and a corridor brawl [are non-existent]"

"ef·fete - - Depleted of vitality, force, or effectiveness; exhausted - - Marked by self-indulgence, triviality, or decadence - - Overrefined; effeminate."

Here is a Marine unit, the motto of which is "No quarter"!!:

"The Russian Naval Infantry, (Marines, Russian: Морская пехота) are the amphibious force of the Russian Armed Forces."

Soviet/Russian Marines. Men that can hardly be called effeminate!! Referred to as the "Black Death" by the German soldier. Soviet/Russian Marines, characterized by their wearing of an all-black uniform, COMPLETE WITH CAPE!! Soviet/Russian Marines, whose ferocity in combat was without equal??!!

"The Red Navy Marines' traditional battle-cry 'Polundra!' [pronounce: po-LOON-drah] – being shouted just before every attack . . . There can hardly be imagined anything more terrifying on earth than a real thunderbolt of an attack charged by Russian Marines – called The Black Death – 'Die schwarze Tod' – owing to their black naval uniform. Those men of unparalleled valour and grim courage had this motto: 'No quarter!'"

Please recall that the Japanese Colonel Tsuji rated the Russian fighting man as # 3 on his list of combatants from World War Two [WW2] - - in terms of "fighting ability"!

Here is Antonov, a Soviet naval infantryman - - a sniper - - from the Second World War - - a man with over three hundred kills to his credit!! Antonov can shoot that rifle!!

Regarding the fighting capacity of the Soviet/Russian naval infantry, according to Suvorov:

"Each fleet has Marine Infantry contingents . . . Generals from the Land Forces who have watched exercises carried out by the marine infantry often say, with some envy, that a regiment of marine infantry, with the same equipment as that issued to the Land Forces, is the equivalent in its operational potential of one of the latter's motor-rifle, divisions."

Whoa boy!!

And the Russian naval infantry continues to be relied upon, even to this day, for the most difficult tasks, the hardest fighting, the worst possible of all situations! Russian naval infantry has been employed extensively in Chechnya during both the First and Second Chechen War!! Naval infantry, elite units of the highest caliber and resolve, that can be counted upon where OTHERS CANNOT BE!!

"Col. Gen. Ivan Skuratov, the commander of Russian marines, said that more than 50 units from the Northern and Baltic fleets had taken part in the Chechen fighting . . . [but] there was still one marine unit from the Pacific fleet there [this in 1994, the First Chechen War]."

"Russia's five-year war in Chechnya has forced them to once again rely heavily on their many elite formations. The most called-upon of Russia's specialized formations during both wars in the breakaway republic have been the Russian marines, or Naval Infantry."

And for the devoted reader to the blog, when I began this entry discussing duelling, "no quarter", "Marines, it is assumed, are always ready to fight", this is taken from: "Lets Trek - - The Budget Guide To The Klingons 1995"! Fictional - - yes, but the sentiments are the same!

"NO quarter!!"


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