Sunday, July 14, 2024


This is coolbert:

"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it." -R.E. Lee.

"Tragedy of the lost generation: Map shows the towns and cities where WWI wiped out tens of thousands of people - including whole circles of friends - as Britain was left scarred forever"

From | By RACHAEL BURFORD |  FOR MAILONLINE | 11 November 2016. Image thanks to The Mail.

" * 'About 700,000 British soldiers lost their lives in WWI and level of loss was higher in some areas than others'  *  'Newly released research shows that some British towns and cities lost nearly one in ten residents'  *  'Some smaller northern England and Scottish towns saw entire generations completely wiped out'  *  'Durham, in the north east, was worst hit with 6,300 men lost - nearly eight per cent of the total population' "


* Something needs to clarified about this graphic. As best as I can determine in societies such as Great Britain and USA at any given moment about 10 % of the population consists of young males of conscription age [ages 18-35years].

* That being the case about 75 % of that cohort Durham doing their military service during the Great War PERISHING. And we are not even talking about wounded-in-action disabled maybe for life.

* Eight percent of the total Durham population gone, but that number DECEASED in combat being of the most able persons, the breadwinners and those whom the rest of the society relies on to make things work.

 * Other sources such as the wiki suggest the number Durham KIA about 50 % higher..


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