Tuesday, July 16, 2024


This is coolbert:

“All men are brothers, like the seas throughout the world; So why do winds and waves clash so fiercely everywhere?” - Hirohito.

Testing the waters so to speak?

 “'testing the waters' means to try out an idea, plan, or proposal to gauge people’s reactions or opinions before committing to it."

"Japanese destroyer enters Chinese waters despite warnings"

"A Japanese official suggested the possibility that the entry was a 'procedural error.' However, a Chinese security expert has expressed doubt about this explanation."

 From https://www.israelhayom.com |  By  Miri Weissman |  07-10-2024 | image courtesy Getty.

"A Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) destroyer briefly entered Chinese territorial waters off the eastern province of Zhejiang, despite repeated warnings from Chinese vessels, according to Kyodo News. The incident has led to severe concerns from Beijing and prompted an investigation by the Japanese Defense Ministry."

"The destroyer Suzutsuki, which was tasked with monitoring Chinese military drills on the high seas, sailed into Chinese waters on July 4. This rare move by a Self-Defense Forces vessel occurred just a day after Zhejiang authorities announced a no-sail zone [NOTAM] nearby for a Chinese military live-fire drill."

Areas of the East China Sea indeed territorial sovereignty disputed. This "procedural error" planned I might infer. Think the Senkaku Islands and immediate environs.

As with regard to the comment of Hirohito: 

Think Gaza/Taiwan/South China Sea/Ukraine. Did I miss anything?

Indeed, waves clashing so fiercely and I dread the thought of much more clashing on a world-wide scale!


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