Monday, May 13, 2024


This is coolbert:

The new man the Ukraine Conflict. Russian. How many times has this occurred? 

Russian Defense Minister replaced but not banished!

"The man leading Russia's war in Ukraine is out in a surprise shake-up hinting at Putin’s true focus"

"Coming in to replace Shoigu is a figure established in Kremlin circles but largely unfamiliar to wider audiences, especially in the West." | By Yuliya Talmazan, Keir Simmons and Natasha Lebedeva | May 13, 2024.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed removing Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu from his post. Putin nominated First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov for the role."

"The man [Shoigu] leading Vladimir Putin‘s war in Ukraine was looking relaxed just last week as he appeared in uniform at the Russian leader’s fifth inauguration ceremony and then at Moscow’s annual Victory Day parade."

"But on Sunday he was removed as defense minister, the post he had held on to for more than a decade despite a rebel mutiny, a corruption scandal and a calamitous start to the full-scale invasion of Russia’s neighbor."

Consider this to be a significant development? Sergei a long-time friend and personal confidant of President Vlad Putin. That Sergei was replaced [again not banished or exiled] says something of importance and consequence.

Much [?] has been made that Sergei was a man WITHOUT real military experience. The NEW man likewise.

Vlad at this point in most concerned not so much with strategy/operations/tactics but grand strategy? Harness the economic structure of Russia totally to the Conflict and perhaps even things to follow?


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