Friday, May 3, 2024


This is coolbert:

 More the Gazan War, the animal dimension.

1. "This is how the Gaza war has damaged nature in Israel"

"War has presented a myriad of complex environmental and ethical challenges, ranging from the destruction and alteration of natural habitats to the threat of wildfires and the presence of stray dogs from Gaza"

From Ynetnews| 04.25.24 | 

"The war in Israel's south and north pose significant challenges to nature in Israel and those who safeguard it. The intense fighting, which has included rocket fire from terrorist organizations and ground operations by the IDF, has impacted open areas and natural areas."

Stray dogs [feral] in particular sloppy eaters and having eaten human remains present a threat of spreading disease from their droppings. Nor should it be forgotten that in Islamic culture the dog is seen as an unclean animal, to a large extent [?] a pet or animal companion to be avoided.

2. "These are the war-themed names Israelis are giving their dogs"

"Agriculture Ministry data reveals that the most popular name is Nova, associated with the Nova Music Festival massacre on October 7; IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi also receives special place among Israeli dogs - 'It's a big name for a small dog,' says Hila, who named her dog Herzi"

From | Ilana Curiel | 04.28.24 | 

"Many pets are named after war-themed events during a war or military operation. The Agriculture Ministry surveyed the names Israelis gave to pets born in the last half-year and, according to the data, the most common name, associated with the war, is Nova, following the massacre at the music festival on October 7." 

I am sure General Halevi greatly pleased to be so honored!

See previous applicable blog entry:


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