Sunday, May 26, 2024


This is coolbert:

As is usually the case, excessively alarmist headlines from the Internet web site of the noted provocateur Hal Turner.

Russian ballistic missile early warning radar out of action. Ukrainian drone action!

 "*** FLASH *** URGENT*** Russia Early-Warning (Nuclear) Missile Radar ATTACKED"

From | HAL TURNER | WORLD | MAY 24, 2024 |

"One of Russia's absolutely key over-the-horizon, nuclear-early-warning radar sites has been hit by drone attack, BLINDING Russia from missiles launched at them from . . .  the Middle East."

"The 818th Separate Radio-Technical Unit at the Armavir Radar Station located in Krasnodar Krai, Russia is now knocked-out."

Click on image to see an enlarged view. That area colored yellow of particular concern. Radar coverage of missile launch not detectable now!

"With the damage to the two radar stations at the Armavir Radar Station, there is now a GAPING HOLE in Russia's early-warning system against nuclear attack." 

"Russia is now a sitting Duck for a nuclear first strike, not only against their Strategic Nuclear missile silos, but also against all the major population centers inside Russia."

Both the Russian and Iranian need to be concerned about this? Such does Hal speculate.


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