Saturday, May 25, 2024

C-RAM Gaza.

This is coolbert:

Once more, no boots on the ground Gaza. The DALEKS arrive however.

"U.S. Forced to Take Action As Hamas Continues Attacking Gaza Pier"

American C-RAM unit now in place, guarding the JLOTS floating pier Gaza against attack by rocket or mortar rounds fired by a bad actor.

 From Spencer Brown | U.S. Army via AP | May 24, 2024 |

"The U.S.-built temporary 'humanitarian pier' on Gaza's Mediterranean coast — announced by President Joe Biden in his March State of the Union address and completed last week — has quickly turned into a chaotic, dangerous place."

[. . . .]

"Even worse, the pier has been the target of attacks by terrorists in Gaza — and now defensive U.S. weapons are being activated to protect the floating aid delivery platform."

Truck-mounted C-RAM firing unit NOT having gone ashore. JLOTS now having an organic defense capability.

"C-RAM is a system used to detect and/or destroy incoming rockets, artillery, and mortars before they hit their targets, or provide early warning. The system is designed to protect critical resources, deployed forces, and key installations against the threat posed by indirect fires."

Again, no boots on the ground and we can all be thankful for that!


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