Sunday, May 26, 2024


This is coolbert:

A minor glitch I hope. It seems the expert who predicted trouble for the JLOTS Gaza was correct.

"US Army Finally has 'Boots on the Ground' in Gaza in the Most Humiliating Way Possible"

From | By streiff | 12:22 PM on May 25, 2024 |

"The US floating pier allegedly used to provide relief supplies to Gaza civilians has partially washed away, and two boats used to service it have been washed ashore. According to reports, the Army was temporarily relocating the floating pier to the Israeli port of Ashdod because of heavy wave action. During the move, a segment of the pier came free, and the boats sent to retrieve it went aground."

IMHO the JLOTS pier Gaza a gimmick more than anything else. Even at peak capacity the pier would be able to handle only enough food to feed each resident of Gaza one meal per person per day! JLOTS making however good cosmetics for media consumption at the international level.

See additionally the aid as delivered not being collected and distributed to the needy and those in distress:


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