Thursday, April 25, 2024


This is coolbert:

Some [more than a few I might assume] Russians not happy with this.

Money budgeted for infrastructure improvement/maintenance/restoration of the Russian Far Arctic North being sent to Russian occupied regions of Ukraine.

"North Russian region of Arkhangelsk spends hundreds of millions on aid to occupiers of Melitopol"

Occupiers the Russian invader of Ukrainian Melitopol.

"A non-profit called the Directorate of Social and Infrastructure Projects is modernizing boiler houses, renovating residential buildings and changing water supply networks in the occupied Ukrainian city. It is all tacitly funded by public money from the Arkhangelsk regional budget."

From | Georgii Chentemirov & Olesia Krivtsova | April 24, 2024.

"On June 14, 2023, the Governor of the Arkhangelsk region, Alexander Tsybulsky, and the head of the occupation administration of Ukrainian Melitopol, Galina Danilchenko, signed a cooperation agreement. The region promised Melitopol to help restore infrastructure, promote the development of science, education, tourism, culture, sports, and other fields, the regional government said in a statement published on its social media page."

That restoration work Militopol I bet to be done by imported foreign labor, contract workers from India, Nepal, etc. 

Not a situation to make the residents of Arkhangelsk fully in favor the Russian SMO. Will create a lot of anger and resentment.


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