Wednesday, April 24, 2024


This is coolbert:

"We looked down a river and we see'd the British come

And there must have been a hundred of 'em beatin' on the drums

They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring

We stood beside our cotton bales and didn't say a thing"

Shocking in the revelations!!

Normally the British and in particular the British military noted as being THE BEST in the world at pageantry. NO longer?

"Britain In Competition With Belgium For World's WORST Military Marchers"

From | DUmmie FUnnies

"Belgium had the reputation for having the world's worst military marchers. However, it now appears that the British military is in strong contention for that title. As you can see its not just that the Brits in this video are horribly out of synch while marching"

Indeed! Even from the standpoint of an American these British military personnel their drill and ceremony marching very poor!

A LOT needs to be done to correct all hands! King Charles III put me in charge boss!


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