Wednesday, April 24, 2024


This is coolbert:

Need I tell anyone what would have been the fate of the accused during the time of J. Stalin and the Great Patriotic War [WW2].

A very speedy trial, guilt, very speedy execution.

"Russia imploding as Vladimir Putin arrests his own top general on 'corruption' charges"

"Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov was arrested today on charges of corruption 'on a particularly large scale' as Vladimir Putin tightens his iron grip on Russia."

From | By LUCY SARRET | Apr 24, 2024.

"Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia detained over corruption suspicions"

Living a lavish lifestyle well beyond his pay-grade and remuneration!

"Russia has arrested Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov on charges of organized corruption today, marking the highest-profile case since the start of the country's full-scale conflict with Ukraine."

"A statement released by Russia’s Investigative Committee on Wednesday cited a statute related to accepting bribes 'on a particularly large scale,' confirming Ivanov's arrest made a day prior."

"State media displayed brief footage of Ivanov appearing in a Moscow court, facing the possibility of a 15-year prison sentence if found guilty."

This Ivanov a stooge of President Vlad and fairly high ranking official? 

Happy days are not here again!


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