Wednesday, April 24, 2024


This is coolbert:

Must be ready by 26 July. 

Stern security measures the Paris Olympics, 2024.

"'Not since WW2': Giant military camp built in middle of Paris as army on high alert"

"Around 18,000 military personnel, as well as 45,000 police and internal security forces, will be deployed to Paris as part of a massive security operation." | By JOHN VARGA, MARIA ORTEGA | Apr 24, 2024.

"France's army has been placed on high alert, as fears of terrorist attacks on the Olympics grow."

"As part of measures to beef up security in the French capital, construction on a gigantic military camp capable of housing 5,000 soldiers will start in the coming days."

"The camp is part of an unprecedented operation to ensure the safety of athletes and visitors to the summer games, which will see 18,000 military personnel, as well as 45,000 police and internal security forces deployed to Paris."

NO ONE wants a repetition of events as occurred in Munich, 1972.

AND will the Israeli team attend and dare show their faces? Gonna be tense.

Everyone knows that the ancient Olympics was a time when a truce and a cessation of hostilities was observed even during a time of open warfare. We HAVE NOT come a long way in two and one-half thousand years!


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