Thursday, April 25, 2024


This is coolbert:

“We've [USN] been firing SM-2s, we've been firing SM-6s, and - just over the weekend - SM-3s to actually counter the ballistic missile threat that's coming from Iran. So we need this supplemental to pass this week.” - Del Toro.

SM = Standard Missile. Surface to air anti-aircraft missile. AD = Air Defense.

"Destroyer Missile Stocks After Air Defense Ops Against Iran and Yemen"

From | April-18th-2024.

"Speaking before the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee on April 16, Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro stated that the service required close to $1 billion in additional spending to replenish stocks of munitions expended in operations against Iranian and Yemeni forces since October. 'It’s critical for Congress to pass a supplemental [spending bill] this week so that we could actually get the additional resources to be able to supplement those munitions,' he stated, and supported tying spending with military aid packages for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The statement followed the largest ever air defense operation by the U.S. Navy’s primary surface combatant the Arleigh Burke Class destroyer, two of which were credited with multiple interceptions of Iranian ballistic missiles over Israel on April 14. The U.S. Navy and Air Force between them reportedly shot down more Iranian targets than Israel, the United Kingdom, France and Jordan combined, with the operation having seen the combat debut of the Arleigh Burke Class’ new SM-3 anti ballistic missile." 


* These appropriations all seem now to be done as part of a bundled package. In my opinion a poor way to do national defense budgeting.

* Those missiles for AD not cheap and not assembly-line quickly built. If you want it now you must pay for it now.

* All of this of course a response to the Hootie Tootie Yemeni insurgents their efforts to interdict commercial shipping traffic the Red Sea.  Benefit-cost-ratio greatly in favor of the attacking Hootie-Tootie.


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