Friday, March 1, 2024


This is coolbert:

"influencer: noun - one who exerts influence : a person who inspires or guides the actions of others."


"Gaza war: Israel army behind inflammatory '72 Virgins' Telegram channel"

"The Israeli army has finally admitted that it is behind an inflammatory anti-Palestinian Telegram channel."

From | The New Arab Staff  | 06 February, 2024.

GORY images of dead Hamas fighters. Graphic stomach-churning type of stuff not suitable for viewing in polite company.

"The Israeli army has admitted it was running a Telegram channel which used inflammatory language and posted graphic content from Gaza, despite previous attempts to disassociate from it."

"An army investigation found that denials of any internal connection to the '72 Virgins – Uncensored' Telegram channel were inaccurate and based on misinformation from its Influencing Department."

"[The probe] found that the Telegram page was operated by the IDF [military] without authorization and without authority," the Israeli army alleged. "The incident has been dealt with."

False flag operation Israeli army images gory and bloody of vanquished Hamas fighter with mocking commentary!

That "72 Virgins" web site again a mockery of Islamic belief. Martyrs for the faith a multitude of females await them in paradise!


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