Friday, March 1, 2024


 This is coolbert:

Nearly had a disaster. That German warship Hessen now the Red Sea European combat mission almost engaging and "downing" an American surveillance/combat drone!

"German Warship Mistakes American Reaper For Houthi Drone, Shoots Missiles At It In Red Sea"

From Hindustan Times |  2/29.2024. The tip from Freeper.

"German frigate Hessen caused a blunder in the Red Sea as it led EU's anti-Houthi mission. The German warship opened fire at American MQ-9 Reaper drone as it spotted it flying in the area. The warship mistook it for being a Houthi drone, however, its missiles failed to reach the drone due to a reported 'technical defect.' RT News reported that the Reaper drone was flying in the area with its transponder shut' off."

Catastrophe averted. American led Prosperity Guardian deployment and the European analog not communicating with one another? Friendly fire not so always friendly fire.


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