Thursday, February 29, 2024


This is coolbert:

AWAC =  Airborne early warning and control.

AWAC F-35? F-35 Lightning? AWAC?

F-35 morphing in a direction as originally never envisioned?

"F-35 is turning into a 'flying sensor' for UAV ground targeting"

From | By Boyko Nikolov On Feb 28, 2024.

"US developers have embarked on fresh testing trials of their extraordinary F-35 Lightning II alongside unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs or UCAVs]. These evaluations are part of the Project Convergence Capstone 4 [PC-C4] agenda managed by the US Army. "

The principal objective of these tests is to examine the F-35’s sensors in an alternate use case – AWAC. In other words, the sensors on this stealth fighter craft will relay information regarding a ground target’s location to a drone. Consequently, the ground target becomes the drone’s objective, directed by the data from the F-35. This unique approach allows the F-35 to stay out of combat range, preserving its valuable services, and instead employing the cost-effective yet efficient Kamikaze drone. 

Targets of U.S Army combat one-way drones to be provided by high-flying sensors of a F-35 Lightning. Presumably the Lightning in a stand-off mode relaying targeting data to drone operators. An "alternate use" mission for the F-35 but still a worthy application of sensor resources.

F-35 onboard sensors sophisticated enough the the aircraft can be used in an anti-ballistic missile [ABM] mode of operation? That too. 


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