Thursday, January 4, 2024


This is coolbert:

An escalation of hostilities the Gaza War with the use of atomic weapons? Is this a possibility? See the linked article:

"Doomsday: What could drive Israel and Iran to start launching nuclear weapons?"

From | BY LOUIS BERES | 01/04/24.

"Although Israel’s Gaza war is most visibly being waged against Hamas, the ultimate adversary is Iran. If Israel’s counter-terrorism efforts should sometime bring it into direct confrontation with Iran, the result could be an immediate escalation between these two adversary states."

"In such a plausible scenario, even a still-pre-nuclear Iran could elicit a 'limited' Israeli nuclear reprisal. The principal escalation dangers would be an Iranian use of radiation dispersal weapons or an Iranian rocket attack on Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor."

Attack by an Iranian radiological weapon, the dirty bomb, definitely a possible. Drones or ballistic missiles attack with release of atomic radiation of a hazardous nature over large populated areas of Israel. Not even an atomic detonation occuring.

That the Dimona facility as mentioned of course the Israeli nuclear research site where supposedly atomic weapons are developed, manufactured and assembled, so as described by the turncoat Mordechai Vanunu.

Devoted readers to the blog, and those perusing only merrily in a much more casual matter need to go to read the entire article. Pay particular close attention to the four possible scenarios as outlined atomic war the Middle East.

You can also reasonably surmise that the Hamas rocket artillery attack [7 Oct] on what is called Wing Two was an attack on an Israeli atomic weapons storage facility. Catastrophe does await?


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