Thursday, January 4, 2024


This is coolbert:

NATO versus NATO? The ancient waterway of the Hellespont/Dardanelles/Bosphorus a naval blocking chokepoint.

"Turkey blocks Royal Navy ships sent to Ukraine as NATO falls apart"

From Express UK ^ | January 2, 2024 | Hannah Kane, Liam Doyle.

"Turkey has vowed to block two British Royal Navy ships intended for Ukraine to pass through its waters. Last month, Britain said it would transfer the two minehunter ships to the Ukrainian navy to help bolster its sea operations in its war with Russia. However, the Turkish presidency's communications directorate has now said it will not let the vessels through its Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits."

This is an issue of the Montreaux Convention of 1938? British mine hunting/clearing war ships as intended for delivery to the Ukrainian being barred from entry into the Black Sea

According to the Montreux Convention of 1938 military vessels of nations without a border on the Black Sea, can remain within the confines of the Black Sea for a maximum of 21 days. Barely transferring the ships to Ukrainian naval control does not meet the exacting requirements of the Montreux Convention?

The NATO nations of Bulgaria and Romania can indeed transfer vessels that are mine hunting/clearing war ships to the Ukrainian, and do so in a legal manner not contravening the Montreaux Convention of 1938? Of this I am not sure.


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