Friday, January 5, 2024


This is coolbert:

More on the British minesweepers that have been donated to the Ukrainian. Passage through the Hellespont/Dardanelles/Bosphorus denied!

“Our relevant allies have been informed that the mine hunting ships donated to Ukraine by the United Kingdom will not be allowed to pass through the Turkish Straits to the Black Sea as long as the war continues,” - the Turkish presidency’s communications directorate.

"NATO state won't let UK send minesweepers to Ukraine"

"Citing international law, Türkiye has said it will block the vessels from entering the Black Sea"

From |  2 Jan, 2024.

As a strong as suspected, this all has to do with the Montreux treaty convention of 1936!

"The Turkish government said on Tuesday that it will not allow minesweeping vessels that the UK has pledged to donate to Ukraine to enter the Black Sea. Ankara, which controls the straits linking the Black Sea with the Mediterranean, shut down access to foreign warships when the conflict in Ukraine began in 2022."

"British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps announced last month that the UK would hand over two Royal Navy mine-hunting ships to Ukraine. Shapps claimed that by clearing Russian mines, the craft would make it easier for Ukraine to conduct naval operations against Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, while clearing export routes to bolster the country’s battered economy."


"Türkiye 'has been implementing the Montreux Convention impartially and meticulously since 1936,' the statement continued, adding that it will maintain this 'unwavering determination and principled attitude throughout this war.'”

The only alternative at this point is for Bulgaria and Romania to donate their own minesweepers to Ukrainian?


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