Wednesday, January 31, 2024


This is coolbert:

#1 The Russo-Ukrainian War I refer to as the Ukraine Conflict.

#2 Hamas-Israel War. From this moment forward, I will refer to as the Gazan War.

Thanks here from the several articles by Christopher A. Lawrence, casualty figures both wars, estimates/guesstimates based upon assumptions that you can assume are partially valid/invalid.

1. "The Russo-Ukrainian War – Day 699"

 From | Christopher A. Lawrence | 23 January 2024.

"Assuming a 4-to-1 wounded-to-killed ratio (which is an assumption, it could be higher, it is probably not much lower), then:

* Russian: 84,568 killed and 338,272 wounded.

* Ukraine: 63,426 killed and 253,704 wounded."

See previous blog entry based upon United Kingdom estimates/guesstimates total casualties, the Russian side, Ukraine conflict about 500,000 casualties total and about 100,000 dead, very close as to what the estimate/guesstimates valid or invalid based upon the assumptions of Stephen Lawrence.

2. "Losses in the Hamas-Israel War – Day 111"

From | Christopher A. Lawrence | 25 January 2024.

* "Total losses for the Israeli armed forces during the offensive into Gaza is 219 (as of 22 January)."

This figure only for Israeli ground forces in the aftermath of events has transpired, seven October 2023.

* "Hamas’ actual losses are harder to gauge. Israel is claiming that they have killed about 9,000 Hamas fighters in Gaza along with more than 1,000 killed during the attacks on 7 October."

Going to be very hard for the Israeli to calculate the number of Hamas dead with any sort of real accuracy. I might  suppose many Hamas fighters buried under rubble will never be exhumed or uncovered. Many Hamas fighters also buried alive in collapsed underground tunnels as a result of aerial bombardment direct hits. Israeli figures predominantly estimate/guesstimate? 

* "Israel is estimating that as many at 16,000 Hamas have been wounded. The U.S. estimates between 10,500 to 11,700 wounded. This produces some unusually low wounded-to-killed ratios."

Yes, indeed, that wounded to kill ratio very unusually low! Normally that ratio quite correctly and reasonably is usually calculated at 4 to 1. Maybe 3 to 1 furthermore quite ballpark.

See additionally the CV curriculum vitae of Trevor Depuy. A very distinguished American military officer of the Second World War not even having reached the age of 30 years he had already commanded American and allied combat units of considerable size and did so in a very respectable and honorable manner. I cannot but help to be impressed.

"Dupuy attended West Point, graduating in the class of 1938. During World War II he commanded a U.S. Army artillery battalion, a Chinese artillery group, and an artillery detachment from the British 36th Infantry Division."


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