Tuesday, January 30, 2024


This is coolbert:

More admonitions and warnings, very scary in nature from senior NATO and European military authorities and commanders.

1. "WW3 Watch: Prepare For Russian Missiles, Drones, Sabotage Against European Cities Says NATO Officer"

From https://www.breitbart.com  | OLIVER JJ LANE | 30 Jan 2024.

"A top NATO general warns the lessons of the Ukraine War shows Europe its interior and cities cannot expect to be left untouched if Russia and the Alliance fight."

“'Rear areas will be severely contested' in an attempt to 'destroy lines of communication' in the case of a war between Russia and NATO, a top general from the alliance states, while warning the ability of NATO to credibly deter aggression has been eroded since the end of the Cold War.

We are talking here first of all about Russian long range missile attack the target of which will be vital/critical infrastructure.

Secondly, we are talking about ground force attack behind-the-lines by the famed Soviet/Russian SPETSNAZ.

SPETSNAZ, Soviet and now Russian special purpose units, ranger/commando types, cut-throat killer-elite.

A major function and goal of SPETSNAZ attack Western Europe will be to destroy the nuclear weapons capacity of Great Britain and France.

2. "Why are European Governments Urging Citizens to Stockpile Prescription Drugs?"

BY THE WELLNESS COMPANY | https://www.zerohedge.com

"European Governments Fear Prescription Drug Shortages – Urge Stockpiling"

"The question of whether or not you should be prepared for prescription drug shortages is not an issue that has received much coverage here in the U.S., nor is it an issue the Biden administration seems at all concerned about." 

"In Europe, however, the issue is not just getting attention from the media, some European governments are actually encouraging citizens to stockpile prescription drugs."

Supply chain of drugs to the European population might be curtailed during a time of war. Additionally, no possibility of alternative sources will be available in the interim.

Consider also, that stockpiling of drugs and medication’s of all sorts is not necessarily a good idea, rather quite often a bad idea, for a variety of reasons do not do any of that, unless it is so absolutely necessary, and then only under the most rarest of circumstances"

"keep in mind you do not want to needlessly stockpile medications. Medications have expiration dates. Also, it is possible that the dose of your medication could change in the future, making the stockpiled medication superfluous. It may be reasonable to consider a one-month supply as a back-up. More than that could be potentially wasteful."

See previous blog entries war warnings it’s from senior European military commanders and officials:





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