Wednesday, January 31, 2024


This is coolbert:

"With regard to the hypothetical return of American tactical nuclear weapons to the UK, I would like to strongly warn them against this destabilizing step,” - Ryabkov.

"Russia strongly warns US not to bring its nukes back to UK"

"Russia makes strongest warning to US against deploying nukes in UK"

 From | 30.01.2024.

"The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that the return of US nuclear weapons to Great Britain could be a likely, albeit destabilizing scenario. Reports about USA's plans to deploy nukes in the UK earlier appeared in The Telegraph."

"Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Ryabkov said that the decision of the US authorities to return nuclear weapons to the UK would be a destabilizing step. Moscow 'strongly warns' Washington against such a move, he added."

The last time English had the pleasure of stationing American atomic weapons in their homeland was 1981 with the arrival of the American ground launched cruise missiles [GLCM]. There was a lot of controversy about this deployment at the time you can will expect to be a lot of controversy about the stationing of American nuclear weapons in England in 2024 also.

It can even be suggested by the cynical skeptic that if the Russian is against such an eventuality this a good idea and not bad?


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