Wednesday, January 31, 2024


This is coolbert:

Ryabkov speaks and so does Medvedev!

"Russia’s Medvedev announces plans to deploy new weapons on Kuril Islands"

"The politician emphasized that the Kurils 'is not a `disputed region’, it is Russia'"

 From | 30 Jan 2024.

"MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS/. Russian Security Council Deputy Head Dmitry Medvedev announced Moscow’s plans to develop the Kuril Islands, including by deploying new weapons there."

 "The Kurils will develop actively, and their strategic role will grow in parallel, including the deployment of new weapons there," - Dmitry Medvedev [?]

From the wiki entry an explanation of the Kural Islands dispute:

"The San Francisco Peace Treaty, signed between the Allies and Japan in 1951, states that Japan renounces 'all right, title and claim to the Kuril Islands', but does not explicitly recognize the Soviet Union's sovereignty over them. Japan claims that at least some of the disputed islands are not a part of the Kuril Islands, and thus are not covered by the treaty. Russia maintains that the Soviet Union's sovereignty over the islands was recognized in post-war agreements. Japan and the Soviet Union ended their formal state of war with the Soviet–Japanese Joint Declaration of 1956 but did not sign a peace treaty"

The Russian and Japanese have not ever yet to sign a peace treaty formally ending World War II between the two nations. A proclamation was issued but not a formal peace treaty?


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