Tuesday, January 16, 2024

M & C.

This is coolbert:

M & C = Mainstay & Coot. Russian military aviation assets blasted out of the sky again.

Ukrainian possesses one additional wunderwaffen? A secret weapon able to engage at distance Russian valuable military aviation assets over the Azov Sea.

The Russian, once more big-time egg on face!

"'Egg on face': It often implies that you have made a serious mistake, but more strictly it indicates that something you have done (or some turn of events) has left you looking embarrassed or foolish."

"Ukraine downs two Russian military command and reconnaissance planes in huge blow for Putin"

From https://www.dailymail.co.uk | By PERKIN AMALARAJ and WILL STEWART |  15 January 2024.

* "Ukraine said it shot down two Russian military command aircraft * "It took out the £260 million A-50 and the IL-22 aerial command plane" * "Both were down down over the Sea of Azov"

"Ukraine said on Monday that it downed two Russian military command aircraft over the Sea of Asov, saying it had carried out a 'successful' mission against Moscow's forces."

"Officials said the country's air force took out an A-50 radar-detection plane worth £260 million [$310 million USD], as well as an IL-22 aerial command plane, as they flew over the Sea of Azov on Sunday."

These warplanes not cheap nor easily manufactured in a timely manner. Training personnel to a degree of proficiency rather protracted? This is indeed a calamity for the Russian or at least I would think so. Russian aviation important assets not replaced in an expeditious fashion.

Hey, nobody ever said war is going to be easy did they?


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