Tuesday, January 16, 2024

18 Months.

This is coolbert: 

Here begins several blog entries thanks to the English Daily Mail tabloid with exceedingly alarmist and frightening headlines perhaps even markedly so! Even causing panic in some quarters!

"Germany is preparing for Putin attack against NATO in 2025: Leaked secret plans reveal step-by-step how Russia will escalate conflict to all-out war in 18 months"

"Secret documents from German Defense ministry reveal doomsday guide"

From https://www.dailymail.co.uk | By RACHAEL BUNYAN |  15 January 2024. 

"Secret documents from the German Ministry of Defence reveal a step-by-step doomsday guide on how Russia will escalate the conflict in Ukraine to an all-out war in just 18 months."

"The leaked plans, published by German newspaper Bild, reveal in detail the path to a Third World War with Putin using Belarus as a launching pad for an invasion - as he did in February 2022 for his war in Ukraine."

"Germany is preparing for Vladimir Putin's forces to attack NATO in 2025, according to leaked secret plans."

Devoted readers to the blog I highly encourage without qualification or reservation that each and everyone of you read the entire Daily Mail article! Daily Mail you do a very good job of covering military affairs. People need to take note of this sort of stuff, even if it is alarmist and frightening they need to know.


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