Monday, January 15, 2024


This is coolbert:

That situation Ukraine conflict now greatly resembles the seven-year standoff between the Russian and Ukrainian military at the end of the Donbass War 2015.

The Russian has already adopted the strategy of active defense now also will the Ukrainian?

"To defeat Putin in a long war, Ukraine must switch to active defense in 2024"

"As Russia’s full-scale invasion approaches the two-year mark, it is vital for Ukraine’s military and political leadership to properly digest the lessons of 2022 and 2023."

From  | By Mykola Bielieskov | January 4, 2024.

"The most important conclusion to draw from the past two years of fighting is the dominance of defensive warfare over offensive operations. This has been demonstrated again and again, beginning with the failure of Russia’s initial blitzkrieg in the first month of the war."

Defense is a stronger form of combat easier to do. You can accomplish more with less! 

"A second key lesson is the importance of balancing political goals with military capabilities. Since February 2022, political considerations have forced both Russia and Ukraine to embark on ill-fated offensives with insufficient forces, leading to heavy losses."

Military standoff Ukraine conflict? Prolonged trench warfare ala WW1 style neither side can prevail. We are going to resuming the situation as it was for seven-years beginning in 2015. I feel regrettably it is so.


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