Friday, December 1, 2023


This is coolbert:

"Toast - Destroyed, terminated, ceased functioning, ended abruptly by external forces."

"US Naval Aviator explains why in air to air combat a P-51 Mustang would toast an F-117 Nighthawk everyday"

From |  article by Dario Leone | Nov 30 2023.

"The F-117 is the world’s first operational stealth aircraft. The Nighthawk is a single-seat, twin-engine stealth attack aircraft. Only 64 were ever built and first flew in 1981. The US Air Force (USAF) 'Retired' the aircraft in 2008."

"Although officially retired, many F-117s remain airworthy and are used to support limited research and training missions based on overall cost effectiveness and their ability to offer unique capabilities."

"Moreover, as we have already reported, the remaining F-117s conduct dissimilar air combat training (DACT) missions with other USAF air assets.

F-117 pitch, roll and yaw all inferior to a modern fighter jet. But GOOD for stealth unquestionably so.

F-117 designated as a fighter plane but functioning MORE as a bomber. Able to evade enemy air defenses and destroy critical enemy infrastructure.

F-117 evidently DID NOT have any armaments allowing the plane to engage in air-to-air combat!!

See previous blog entries the F-117 DACT mission:


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