Saturday, December 2, 2023


This is coolbert:

The Shell Crisis of 1915 and the shell crisis of 2023 how similar they are!

And as has been duly noted by the American military commentator Colonel Austin Bay. 

From | the article by Colonel Austin Bay.

"On Point: The Shell Crisis of 2023: Artillery Munition Shortages Undermine Ukraine and Israel War Efforts"

"In 1914, quick-firing field artillery could fire more shells than domestic industries, geared to peacetime consumption levels, could supply. Armies, although recognizing the dangers, had underestimated them. By late autumn (1914) they were having to limit the number of shells each gun was permitted to fire each day. Industry's conversion to wartime production would not be complete until 1916, and in 1915 the shells crisis had political consequences for most belligerents." - Hew Strachan.

The problem in 1915 not so much as expenditure of ammunition so great but the inability of industry to keep pace with consumption, replace what has already been fired and MAINTAIN suitable stockpiles for emergency and crisis use. 

Mobilizing existing resources USA and Europe and fabrication facilities to produce more ammo bang-stuff to meet demand I think lacking. Asquith in 1915 the British Prime Minister his leadership as a result of the Shell Crisis questionable.

I might even suggest that Colonel Bay has been reading some of my blog entries the shell crisis 2023 and has taken a cue for his own article.

Same problem in 2023 as it was in 1915. 

See all my previous blog entries the Ukraine Conflict shell crisis:


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